This Week At Preschool

Our topic this week was construction. We had lots of fun pretending to be builders and playing with shaving foam to cement bricks together and dug and move cornflakes with our diggers and trucks. All using hard hat helmets of course for safety!


We had our new coach Tom in this week to play some football and have some fun. All of the children really enjoyed themselves and joined in.

Forest School

This week we had our first forest school with Mrs Hasan in the schools woodland over the road from Preschool. The children had a wonderful time running in the fields, exploring the woods, searching for insects and even playing with a baby frog. We all needed some hot milk and a biscuit when we got back to Preschool!

Thank you all for filling out your Famly forms out so promptly. We are hoping to get this all up and running next week. This is going to be a great tool for us all to use and we are so glad that you are on onboard with it.

Next Weeks Topic

Next week we will be looking at Dinosaurs. We know that we have a lot of dinosaurs experts at Preschool so please feel free to bring in any dinosaur toys, books or games to share with us.


Please don’t forget that if you have any questions or queries about anything we are always to help x

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